Biology Lab

The TerrAqua Columns Terrestrial Habitats allows for the study of various aspects of land-water interactions such as the effects of:

  • nutrient concentration for terrestrial system (nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium);
  • growth of plants and algae;
  • physical factors such as temperature;
  • effect of pesticides;
  • frequency of fertilizer and pesticide application;
  • water added (drinking water, eutrophic water and water that has passed through a biological purification);
  • heavy ions transferred from pesticides and from water that has eutrophication to products (vegetables)  i.e. the quality of the vegetables compared to their concentration of heavy ions – copper (Cu), lead (Pb), cobalt (Co), cadmium (Cd) and nickel (Ni).

Various aspects of the terrestrial and aquatic systems will be monitored by SEMEP team such as:

  • percent germination;
  • temperature of the room;
  • plant height
  • water temperature
  • nutrients in water
  • leaf size
  • the growth of algae

Plants used: sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and mung beans (Vigna radiata).

Aquatic plant: wild celery/ water-celery/ tape grass (Vallisneria americana).


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